Governance Post-Covid

In this issue of Spear’s, Annamaria Koerling, Delfin’s Managing Partner discusses the importance of strong corporate governance and highlights the benefits effects governance can have on investment performance.

The Value of an Annuity

In her recent Spear’s article Annamaria Koerling, Delfin’s Managing Partner discusses whether our current approach to saving is all wrong. She discusses whether a smarter apporach is to focus on a future income stream rather than an asset’s current value.

The importance of creating a family narrative

Annamaria Koerling, Delfin’s Managing Partner spoke to Advisory Group member Nik von Eynern of Family Hippocampus about Family Governance, why family charters often gather dust on a shelf and discusses his
practical tips on how to put in place a resilient system that works in practice not just in theory.